Uniform Pricing Auction
New way to Invest!

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A community-centered platform to raise capital for new ideas

SEVENTISE enables people with new ideas to share them with the community

  • Connecting investors with entrepreneurs
  • Investing on the blockchain through a uniform pricing auction
  • Investors provide capital by buying bonds offered by the founder(s) of new idea


We use uniform pricing auction to complete auctions offered by founders.

Building Projects

Ever saw successful projects you liked and think that you would invest in them at an early stage?
SEVENTISE makes this possible with the use of blockchain technology and uniform pricing auction.

Uniform Pricing Auction

A uniform price auction otherwise known as a "clearing price auction" is a multiunit auction in which a fixed number of identical units of a homogenous commodity (bonds) are sold for the same price.

It's all about the bonds you make

Founder(s) of new ideas or projects raise capital by selling bonds! Anyone can bid for these bonds.
All you need to do is to specify the quantity and the coupon rates.

Fun part - the auction

The auction is fully automated once you enter your bids. Winning bids are based on the highest returns of all winning bids. Here is an example:
1. Let's suppose SEVENTISE is raising capital of 100 Ethers. That is an amount of 100 bonds being offered on the platform. Principal amount is 1 Ether.
2. Supposed there are three investors - Paul, Blair and Evans.
Paul bid for 40 bonds and wants a coupon rate of 6%. Blair bid for 50 bonds and wants a coupon rate of 8%. Evans bid for 25 bonds and wants a coupon rate of 5%
3. The total quantity of bids now is 115, an excess of 15!
4. Since coupon rate is inversely related to the price of bonds, the winning bids are : [Evan: 25, Paul: 40 and Blair: 35].
5. Everyone will receive a coupon rate of 8% - pretty neat!


Coming soon!

Use Case - Uniform Pricing Auction